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Man, she is hot.  There is just nothing like a good tease and Samantha is a true master of the craft.  This is Samantha’s best and most revealing video so far.  We get some great booty shots and looks at Samantha’s killer boobs.  Wow, they look squeezable.  If you have seen Samantha’s videos before, then this video is a must-have.  If you have not seen her before, this is a great time to get on the Samantha Train.

Download Samantha #5 (60 minutes) for $20.00

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WPL Samantha 5 6

WPL Samantha 5 54

WPL Samantha 5 73

WPL Samantha 5 77

WPL Samantha 5 112

WPL Samantha 5 119

WPL Samantha 5 150

WPL Samantha 5 169

WPL Samantha 5 196

WPL Samantha 5 216

WPL Samantha 5 225

WPL Samantha 5 243

WPL Samantha 5 288

WPL Samantha 5 296

WPL Samantha 5 302

WPL Samantha 5 310

WPL Samantha 5 356

WPL Samantha 5 366

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